H2Consultancy is founded to use hydrogen based fuel cell systems in the world of
The objective of H2Consultancy is to develop renewing solutions for this and shift borders of technology. Sustainability is leading in this process.
Wide knowledge and experience:
- H2Consultancy developed several fuel cell systems which are perfectly applicable in several applications. The designs and corresponding software can be used for your application dependent of the asked specification.
- Developed systems on base of several fuel cell suppliers.
- Known with homologation and certification of systems and road vehicles.
- Huge international network in the fuel cell and electric drive community.
In H2Consultancy Huib Hupkens van der Elst is director and technical specialist with a broad knowledge of state of the art technology. Huib worked in the past o.a. for Philips and Marin and is Entrepreneur since 2003. Huib has more than seven years of experience with hydrogen fuel cells and gained specialist knowledge and experience of hybrid- and electric traction systems in automotive. Also he has built a huge network of suppliers and knowledge institutes and delivered lots of projects.